Model wearing Bee and Honey necklace

How to enter our Giveaway

When visiting our giveaway page, you will need to either log in via Facebook or by entering your email address:

Giveaway login page
Example logging in via email:

Giveaway login with email

  • Enter your name.
  • Enter your email address.
  • Click 'Log in'

Once logged in, there are three ways that you can enter our giveaway competition and each action you take provides multiple entries as below:

Giveaway 3 ways to enter
1) Follow @redgemstore on Twitter (4 entries):

Giveaway follow on Twitter

  • If you don’t follow us, click on the button ‘Follow @redgemstore’ button to open Twitter and follow @redgemstore (Log in to Twitter if not already logged in).
  • Once you have followed us, enter your Twitter username in the above textbox and then click on the ‘I Follow’ button.

2) Visit Red Gem Store on Facebook (2 entries):

Giveaway visit Facebook page

  • Click the ‘Visit us’ button to see our Facebook page (Log in to Facebook if not already logged in).
  • Once you have visited our page, click the ‘I Visited’ button.

3) Tweet about the giveaway (4 entries):

Giveaway tweet on Twitter

  • Click the ‘Tweet’ button.
  • Log in to Twitter (if not already logged in).
  • The giveaway text will be displayed and you need to post the tweet.
  • Open the Tweet and click the ‘Share’ button and ‘Copy link to Tweet’:
Share Tweet iconCopy tweet link URL
  • The tweet URL will be copied to your clipboard.
  • Paste the URL into the ‘Paste in the tweet URL’ textbox:
Tweet URL link added
  • Click the ‘I Tweeted’ button.
And that’s it! You will be entered into the giveaway competition. Once the giveaway has reached the end date, a lucky winner will be selected at random and contacted to arrange the prize to be delivered. We will also announce it on the giveaway page and Red Gem Store social media.

Good luck!
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